
Query Parameters

All query parameters passed in the search URL must be UTF-8, URL-encoded strings. Due to the requirements of the authentication library used for validating requests, most non-ASCII characters that appear in the URL need to be encoded; for example, the double quote character (\") should be encoded as %22. In most programming languages, such as Python, the libraries used to retrieve content from web services will do this encoding for you; however, if you're using curl requests in the shell, such as shown in the examples in this notebook, you'll need to perform this encoding yourself.


Required The search query. This should be a UTF-8, URL-encoded string of <=1000 characters. q accepts both fields (title:exoplanets) and unfielded (exoplanets) searches.


The number of results to return. The default is 10 and the maximum is 2000.


The starting point for returned results, used for pagination. The default is 0. To return the next page of results, set start equal to the value of start from the previous request, plus the number of results returned in the previous request. For the default values, set start=10 to return the second page of results.


The list of fields to return. The value should be a comma separated list of field names, e.g. fl=bibcode,author,title. The default is the document id (fl=id). A non-exhaustive list of available fields is shown below.


Filters the list of search results. The syntax is the same as that for the q parameter. Adding search parameters via the fq parameter can speed up search results, as it searches only the results returned by the search entered via the q parameter, not the entire index. This parameter may be used more than once in a single search URL.


The sorting field and direction to be used when returning results. The format requires both the field to sort on (see the list below and the direction, either asc or desc (ascending or descending). For example, an appropriately formatted sort parameter is sort=citation_count+desc. The default sort method is the relevancy score as calculated by the search engine. Other useful fields to sort on may be date, read_count, first_author, or bibcode."


This is a non-exhaustive list of fields available for searching via the API. A more comprehensive list is available in our help pages. These fields can be used with the fl and sort parameters.

Note: some fields, such as body, can be searched but not returned via fl or sorted on. Also, multivalued fields, such as author, cannot be used for sorting.

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